Obviously, I'm not Martha Stewart - I'm all about the practical. I'm trying to bring some softer, feminine touches into my life, but it's difficult to get the "look" I want.
Anywho, our "Master" bedroom has a West Facing window that doubles as a heat sink. Before we moved in, the only room I managed to get "clean" was the Master Bedroom. By "clean", I mean washing walls, shampooing the carpet, and removing old window treatment stuff. This left me with remarkably clean (and liveable) walls, wood putty spots on the window frames, but at
least there was no mold or hair left stuck to the walls and baseboard. Ew. The mold was probably due to a water bed or humidifyer. Big no-nos in my house. Mold = bad pookie.
Since I'm a day-sleeper (any one who works 12-hour night shifts should be one), black out shades were needed for the normally sunny room. Draperies are expensive, so I opted for $4.88 Black Out Redi-Shades from Walmart. Two of them. As the summer heated up (and quickly), I decided that the West window needed some more 'stuff'.
our feet of 24" foil insulation ($10.48 at Home Depot for a 10' roll), and we have this. Oh, and some duct tape cuz I didn't feel like doing anything special with this project. We'll get around to painting eventually.
Drop the Redi-Shade, and it's like the foil was never there. Save for the immediate temperature difference.
Wow!! It looks amazing!! I like to buy window blinds and other window decorative accessories from Smith and Noble...